Meeting 2nd June


  • What do you think about the minimal theme?
  • Are the fonts ok, or should I switch them around?
  • Is the navbar font ok? I feel like I should change it.
  • Should the navbar sections light up when on that specific page (like the s2 website )
  • Would you prefer to have the blue to green gradient in the navbar border?
  • Should I try to make the homepage as a “highlights” section and keep the news page and projects page in the current homepage style?
  • Should I try to keep the design 1 to 1 with what is in the Angolino pdf?


  • check if you need to forward the address to the github thingy

  • Should I try to make the homepage as a “highlights” section and keep the news page and projects page in the current homepage style?
    • make a proposal
  • Should I try to keep the design 1 to 1 with what is in the Angolino pdf?
    • try to do it
  • Make a proposal for the contacts
  • Supporters in the bottom part
  • Rename contacts to INFO & TEAMS